Search for Cell Numbers A Step-by-Step Instruction for Finding the Data You Need to know

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Search for Cell Numbers A Step-by-Step Instruction for Finding the Data You Need to know

The first step in my opinion is to recognize the reason that brought you to this point. You are convinced there is something wrong with the relationship you have with your boyfriend, girlfriend or your spouse. If you believe that something is not right or that you suspect that your spouse has been cheating on you, then there are probably secret conversations between them. How do you identify this secret communications if they are happening?

The Old Days

It was the phone at home that would signal the presence of something wrong. The following could occur:

The Hangup. You answer the call, and the caller hangs up. This could be with an unintentional number. However, if it occurs more than once in just a couple of days or some weeks, it is plausible to assume that the person calling wanted to talk--just not to you. The calls usually come from the "other person."
The Other Room Call. The phone rings, and your friend, partner or spouse rushes towards the phone to be the first to answer and then moves into another room for the conversation, usually in the bathroom. When questioned the person answers that it was someone from work or a friend. It's hilarious that that sort of thing has never ever happened before.
A Hangup and one or two Rings The phone rings a certain number of times, but not for long enough to receive a call.  games people play  happens just like the warning sign in the previous. What often follows is that the significant other suddenly needs to run to the local gas station to buy cigarettes, gas for the car, or to take advantage of any of a variety of reasons to get out of the house for the evening. They are then often gone for a longer period of time than they anticipated and "ran to a friend and had a conversation" before coming back home.

All of these are typical warning signs of a cheating boyfriend or girlfriend. These phone-related signs are similar to their counterparts in the modern age of cell phones.

Cell Phone Signs of Danger

Two of the risk indicators mentioned above won't be present when using cell phones since they're mobile.

There won't likely to be any hangups because you're unlikely to be the person who answers your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse's number.

Additionally, there is not likely to be a dual rings signalling in the current era of silent ringing and text messages.

That leaves us with a different set of danger signs:

A Call that isn't explained. It is possible that you are present at the answering machine for the caller. They stop the call, and they don't even explain who it is, but their tone isn't consistent with what you might expect from the person answering the call. For example, if it comes from work you wouldn't expect them to be curt and leave the call without asking questions or giving directions to the caller.
A text message that's not shared in an inbound message. Like the first scenario, the recipient is notified and clearly reads a message via text but is vague regarding what it is and then turns off the phone to ensure you do not accidentally read the message.
playing video games . The majority of people are casual or careless when it comes to their belongings. They might leave keys, ink pens of their choice or watches scattered around the house, where any person in the home could get them. We still don't keep our mobile phones secure at night, even though they are highly useful (think of how lost we would be without them), This is a sign that something isn't right when your partner keeps their phone in a safe place and away from you.

There is a great way of getting the information we need via a mobile phone in ways that aren't possible could with a traditional wired house phone.

The next step is to obtain the cell phone numbers

We all know that the message book on every cell phone will display recent calls, incoming calls and outgoing calls. If you have access to the numbers, you can search for a cell phone number online to determine where the calls originate from and who is doing the calling.

You must spend a few minutes on your phone alone to take your numbers. Of course, if think you are in a relationship that is dangerous, you do not need this information, just leave immediately or get help from a professional to assist you in escaping. But if you think you are safe, start contemplating ways to get the cell for a few minutes.

Perhaps your partner is exhausted from drinking too much or engaging in too much sexual activity. You know your partner enough to be able to recognize when they gain most enjoyment out of it. Begin to keep an eye on their phone and where it is throughout the day. When you receive their phone, be sure to take it far enough away so the sounds of the phone opening and clicking will not wake them.

Think about buying a similar phone as your current. If you "accidentally" switch phones, you are protected by an alibi that you were confused and then picked up their phone in error.

Also, you could employ the "I'm contemplating buying an upgrade on my phone" tactic to convince people to examine theirs. Perhaps you're required to make calls to find out the quality of your voice. You might need to go down the hall to the restroom while you are talking to a friend and you end up locking yourself in the bathroom for a short period of time. You could even continue talking with your friend while you go through the numbers. You can also talk to your friend as you return the phone.

Once you've got the numbers, we'll be able to start looking into the calls.

The Investigative Step: Utilize a cell number lookup

A lookup of a cell phone number is also called a reverse phone directory or any number of other terms. The main thing to remember is that it is a web-based investigation tool that provides you with information on the people you've written down.

You can get enough information through your cell phone to identify suspicious numbers and get rid of them completely.

If your girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse know someone from Topeka (which we assume is quite far from where you reside), and the Google Map location lookup shows that the number is in Topeka Then the number is probably a relative and is safe. The number will be removed until you are sure that there's a nefarious relationship between you with someone from your local area.

If your search results reveal the number of a person who is not in any way logical connection to your partner or is one that you don't know from where you're currently living, you may be interested in pursuing an investigation that will include the following:

Name and address of the owner
Members of the household
People search for results

You can either calm your mind, or if there is really a problem you'll be able to identify it and then move on. Either way, you'll feel more at ease after taking action.